Yom HaAtzmaut

Last week was Yom HaAtzmaut and I went to many stations at school.  Before all the stations we were in the Sanctuary. We were singing some Yom HaAtzmaut songs.  Third grade came up and put our arms over each other and rocked side to side.  We gave many song suggestions like There Once Was a Wizard.  We were all called out to go to our stations since Morah Liat was our teacher so we were called last.  Our first station was music with Mr. B.


I learned about the Kotel.  We wrote a wish or a prayer to Hashem on a piece of paper.  You could draw a picture. I drew a rainbow on the other side of my letter to Hashem.   My favorite station was  P.E.  My favorite food was the Israeli CHOCOLATE BAR!!  We did music , library, P.E, eating and art.  We played Gumi when we were eating.   I liked P.E. because we played soccer and basket ball/ knock out.  In art we did window glass pictures of Jerusalem.  In library we matched Hebrew gates to the English gates.  The paper gave some hints like the gate is closed or a Hebrew word means Lions gate or Jaffa gate.  In music we sang some Israeli songs but we did not know the songs so Mr. B, our music teacher, taught us the lyrics of the songs.  The songs were in Hebrew.  I realized that I knew a song because I went to camp and we sing that song. I hope you like my writing and I hope you had a great Yom HaAtzmaut.

Daddy, Baby

Today Adrielle and I made a dad and a baby out of  Shapes Capes. We hope you like are picture.  Check Adrielle’s blog to see her writing.  We did this in the morning before school started.

My favorite Parasha In Sefer Shemot Is Terumah

My favorite Parasha is Terumah because it tells you exactly what you need to use to make the Mishkan.  It tells you what’s in the Mishkan like the table, the menorah, the ark and the korban.   It tells you what kind of material  you need to make the ark and all of the other things.  The materials are gold, money, copper, yarn,  wood,  jewels, rock and skin for color.  The Parasha sort of teaches me how to build the Mishkan The Parasha teaches me how to use all of these things.  I learned that there are certain people that have to build the Mishkan.


My connection to this Parasha is that I love to play with Legos.  That means that I would like to build the Mishkan. I think it would it be hard to build the Mishkan. I would follow the directions but here’s the problem,  all of the materials are nothing like Legos. The Mishkan is really cool but Legos are pretty cool too.  The Legos take a day to build something but the Mishkan can take years!  That would be frustrating because you have to work everyday but Saturday.


I told my family that my favorite Parasha was Terumah and my dad said his two favorite.  I like this picture because I’m donating money the JNF so we can plant some trees in Israel.  I’m also handing all the money to my favorite teacher Morah Liat.  I hope my money will get there very soon.  We all shared our favorite Parasha.  Mine was Terumah, my dad’s was B’shallach or Yitro.  I never got my mom’s but that is ok.  I hope that you agree on what I said.  I worked really hard on my huge 310 SA project.


I LOVE THE PARASHA  TERUMAH                                          I LOVE THE PARASHA  TERUMAH                                                  I LOVE THE PARASHA  TERUMAH                   I LOVE THE PARASHA  TERUMAH

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