Archive of ‘Math’ category

Me In Numbers

In math as an introduction we were assigned to fill this slideshow out about you.

One of the sections of the slide was how does math relate to your favourite hobby. Mine is dance and this is what I wrote.

 “I love to dance. Math is related to the counting and pacing of choreography & how it relates to the beat. You also see math in the angles related to proper technique.”


My Exam Experience

In February 2020 I wrote my first exam. It was on math! Yay my favourite subject! If you want to read all about my experience keep reading!

What was on the exam? There was Patterns, Pattern rules, y=mx+b, Rounding numbers, Re-naming numbers, Mean-Median-Mode-Range, Table of values, Problem solving, Graphs-Stem and leaf plot-Line graph-Histogram, Converting units, Algebraic expressions. Wow that is a lot of stuff to memorize. Well what was I provided to study?  On Mrs.Cleavland’s blog she posted papers we could print and use them. She posted old explain everything videos, she also assigned us knowledge hook for us to do.  Finally I was provided with a little mock exam. On the mock exam was what would be on the real exam but just for practise. How did I study? When I got all my marks back on the mock exam I corrected the wrong answers to learn from my mistakes. I had my mom give me some examples to help me practise. Hoe did I feel about my fist exam? I was very nervous because schools don’t have grade six take exams. We only had one exam but that still got me scared. I have heard good news that OJCS really does over prepare you for high school, that took away over halve of the stress. Here are some pictures of me taking my exam.