Archive of ‘Reading’ category

Tell Me Three Things by:Julie Buxbaum

Tell me Three Thing by:Julie Buxbaum   

        In La we did a book project and I chose to read Tell Me Three Things. What we had to do was read the book and do an artifact-(assignment about the book.)I chose to do a website of me pretending to be one of the characters. I chose this artifact because my characters have a lot of personality. It is different for each and every person. I chose Jessie because she relates the most to me and It would be the easiest character for me to do. The story is vey well written it was hard what not to choose and what to choose. There is so much detail as well, I had to cut out a lot of the whole story. I chose certain elements for certain reasons. I chose the most important things, I ended up narrowing it down to 4 topics. I made a cliff hanger at the end of each section so you would want to read the next page. I chose the sections because they felt the most important to me. They each had the most important details that needed to be in it or else you would not understand the story at all. If I was going through this process again I would probably spend more time on the artifact. I took so much time reading I had barley any time to do the artifact. It was a little rushed. The website I chose was Wix, this was not the best choice. I would have rather use another website.If you want to see my website.

Here is the link:

That is my website. Hope you liked it. I would give the book 8/10 stars. If your seeing this right as I post it I just published dit 5 minutes ago.


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