Two of the Same

Near the beginning of the year. 聽 聽

First Step

I woke up and I was shivering. It was so cold I pulled the blankets over my face because I did not want to get out the bed. I dragged myself out of my bed and fell on my floor. I fell asleep on the floor for three minutes. I finally got up and wrapped a warm, soft, pink robe around me. I slowly dragged my feet one by one across the soft carpet. I got dressed very slowly and got my hair brushed and my teeth. I walked down stairs and ate breakfast. I got my snow suit on. I was all ready to go shivering with my snow suit on. I walked outside, the wind brushed across my face, I smelled the cold air. I dipped my finger in the snow and it felt very cold. My foot gently placed on the snow and made a schsch. Winter was finally here.

Near the end of the year

First Step

I woke up shivering. I pulled the blanket over my head. My eyes opened very slowly. First I saw my mom, next I saw my closet. Everything was very blurry. I slowly pulled my feet out of the covers. Shhh shhh. That was my carpet as I started to walk towards the closet. Bam! The lights were now on and my eyes were wide open. Sadly I was still tired. Uhh uhhh! I was grunting. I was using to much effort by grabbing my clothes from my closet. We all knew I was the slowest to get ready for school. Finally, I鈥檓 dressed. I鈥檓 suddenly awake now. Plop plop plop! As I hop down the stairs you can hear the banging of my feet. I quickly put on my bright blue snow pants, my bright pink jacket, bright pink hat, bright pink boots. As I walked outside the wind brushed across my face. I smelled the cold air. I dipped my finger in the snow, it was very cold. I placed my foot down very gently and the snow made a schsch.




1 Comment on Two of the Same

  1. Donna Bader
    May 21, 2021 at 3:30 pm (3 years ago)

    Hi Maytal,

    This description of starting your day, sounds just like you. Your descriptive vocabulary made it easy for me to visualize just what was happening, and it made it interesting to read. I could hear your feet on the carpet, in my mind, as you walked to your closet. I could see your colorful outfit, and I could feel the cold winter air on your face.
    Maybe some day you’ll write a short story or book to be published! I want the first copy signed by the author.

    LYFTIAB 馃槝


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