We learned all about Leaves!

In science we learned all about identifying different leaves from trees.



  1. Your Turn! Use the classification charts to identify

these 3 leaves.


  1. Larch
  2. Maple
  3. Ash


  1. In your own words, describe the difference between a

deciduous and coniferous tree.


The difference is that coniferous trees have needles or scale leaves and they don’t fall off in Autumn, they don’t change colours. Deciduous trees have larger leaves and they do change colours. They also fall off during Autumn.


  1.  Find 1 or 2 samples of trees from your backyard or close to your house (be safe, and ask parents before leaving your house!). Take a picture of the leaf without pulling the leaves off the branches and then identify the unknown samples. Include the picture of the leaf and identified tree type beside it.


This is a black or white oak

This is a poplar or a birch.

That is an assignment we had to do. I hope you learned some stuff.

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